Where's the beef?
Boy, does that take me back. Anyway, February is Old Toys Month at OAFEnet. As everyone else on the 'net falls all over themselves trying to scoop one another about Toy Fair's news of what may or may not be coming out in the next year, we take a different path. A better path. A path backwards. In addition to new figure reviews, we'll also be taking a look at, well, old toys.
"Old" in this case can mean anything from two months to twenty years ago. It's just something that's not new, y'know? But it's all cool. Or, as the kids say, "rad." So scroll down through the sepia-toned table below and check out all the Old Toys we've got for you.
Dig that kooky retro flavor, daddy-o! Keep checking back to see what else we add. We'll have plenty of reviews coming your way.
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