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Tag Archives: Gremlins
Gremlins Countdown Calendar review - Day 16
Oh, okay: the reason George was green was because Lenny was going to be brown. (He still could have been the dark green, though.) Lenny's still no larger than usual, but the new head really sells who it is and … Continue reading
Gremlins Countdown Calendar review - Day 15
Wait, they do have brown plastic! So why was George green? This is the same gremlin body we saw from the first movie, just done in a nice tan. And they painted some black spots in his ears. Plus the … Continue reading
Gremlins Countdown Calendar review - Day 14
Aw, look, it's Lenny! Little Lenny, when he was still a mogwai. The dopey look on his face is perfectly sculpted, and the paint apps are surprisingly complex for something this small - brown and white body, pink skin, black … Continue reading
Gremlins Countdown Calendar review - Day 13
Today we get a Gremlins 2 adult, George. You can even recognize his Edward G. Robinson face despite the small, small size (and lack of a cigar). The body is the same one as the other Gremlins, but he gets … Continue reading
Gremlins Countdown Calendar review - Day 12
Another bag of goop, and another Gremlin seed. Not loving it. And now, some more OAFEry:Brain Gremlin addendum Soon Forget: NECA's unreleased prototypes Gremlins Countdown Calendar review - Day 19 Gremlins: Ultimate Stripe review A Lego Batcave worthy of Bruce … Continue reading
Gremlins Countdown Calendar review - Day 11
Mohawk, lookin' small and evil! This may be the same body as all the other mogwais, but having black fur makes him look totally different. Despite being an angry little fuzzhead with a stripe of vertical fur over his head, … Continue reading
Gremlins Countdown Calendar review - Day 10
As our days get into double-digits, we get into double-movies: Gremlins 2 in the house! The flap for Day 10 is larger than usual, and features Daffy on the front - and then inside is Daffy's mogwai form. You can … Continue reading
Gremlins Countdown Calendar review - Day 9
We've come into the re-use portion of our month, clearly, because today is another baby mogwai lump. Doesn't really make sense here from a "chronological story" standpoint, and it's the same material as the first one (making it the same … Continue reading
Gremlins Countdown Calendar review - Day 8
Day 8, same as Day 5: a light green Gremlin. A scene filler. But cute! And now, some more OAFEry:Flippin' through Previews - September '11 Gremlins Countdown Calendar review - Day 29 Gremlins Countdown Calendar review - Day 20 Flippin' … Continue reading
Gremlins Countdown Calendar review - Day 7
Oh, fun! This really fits with the "movie theater" theme of the box by being a Gremlin wearing a pair of 3D glasses. It's the same soft PVC body we've seen twice already, but it's done in a much darker … Continue reading