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Yearly Archives: 2022
The Sound of Music Awakens
And now, some more OAFEry:Build it together, as a date! Star Wars Relativity This is NOT the way Well, he does spend most of his time hiding in an egg... Unleashed Princess Leia: The Comparison
TMNT Slash addendum
In case you'd like to see how the new Slash mold compares to the old one: And now, some more OAFEry:Mondo music Dem bones, dem dry bones Well that's just gross Rustin's Spoils of the Week #73 Mighty Mutant Power … Continue reading
Remember Bionicle? It's back! In PWG form!
Okay, that's technically "GWP" form - "Gift With Purchase" - but the joke worked better the other way. According to leaked info, buy select sets over $100 between January 27 and February 9, and you'll get this free mini-kit of … Continue reading
Transformers Animated: Season 4
You know how Season 4 would have opened, but what would have happened after that? And now, some more OAFEry:BotBots blindpack codes BotCon reveal: Wildrider Transformers BotBots Sir Botcha, Bottle O'Tears & Drama Sauce reviews Flippin' Through Previews - October … Continue reading
Naughty or Nice Collection: Zombie Santa exclusive review
As today's review said, the Naughty or Nice Collection features both good and evil Santas, and I just had to get one of each. As cool as Cyborg Santa or Pirate Santa were, I went for one with a little … Continue reading
Star Wars Holiday Edition Mandalorian Warrior addendum
If there were no limit to the Mandalorian Warrior's paint budget, here's our imagined version of what his jetpack could have looked like: Maybe the bow is a bit much, but even blocks of color fit to the shapes would … Continue reading
Fortnite: Flapjack Flyer glider review
Syrup, up, and away! Proving our earlier fears unfounded, Hasbro is clearly all-in on Fortnite. Not only have more series in the line shown up, we're also getting various pricepoints, like the Back Boards or the subject of this review, … Continue reading