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Monthly Archives: July 2017
Marvel Legends addendum: dat (teen) body
Hasbro created a specific body for teen girl heroes long before creating one for boys, but now they're catching up. Here's a list of everyone who uses it: Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man (comic) Ultimate Spider-Men (animated) Nova Into the Spider-Verse … Continue reading
Posted in addendums, bodies, Hasbro, Marvel
Tagged Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel Legends, Spider-Man
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Lego Batman Minifigures: Poison Ivy review
Dr. Pamela Isley used to be a botanist, but her obsession with plants led her to become the super-villain Poison Ivy, using her powers over all things green and growing to try to transform Gotham City into a vegetable paradise … Continue reading
Minimate Mini-Review #338 - Ms. Marvel & Kang the Conqueror
#338 - Ms. Marvel/Kang The Conqueror And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #136 Soon Forget: Marvel's Dire Wraith Marvel Legends addendum: dat (female) body! Flippin' through Previews - September '12 Minimate Mini-Review #266 - Half-Masked Spider-Man & … Continue reading
Posted in Art Asylum, Marvel, MMMR, Walgreens
Tagged Avengers, Captain Marvel, Fantastic Four, Minimates
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #183
Sometimes all it takes is a trip out of town to find what you're looking for! I made it down to Texas this week and with a bit of luck scored some Marvel Legends two-packs and some brand new Imaginext! … Continue reading
Posted in Rustin's Spoils of the Week
Tagged Adult Swim, Guardians of the Galaxy, Imaginext, Wolverine, X-Men
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Soon Forget: Secret Wars Dazzler
This is the latest in a series (of indefinite length and regularity) of blog posts memorializing cancelled toys. Our subject today is Mattel's Dazzler. Looking to build a flanker brand for their Masters of the Univrrse, in 1984 Mattel got … Continue reading
Posted in addendums, cancelled toys, comics, Marvel, Mattel
Tagged Fantastic Four, Hulk, Secret Wars, Spider-Man, X-Men
Minimate Mini-Review #337 - Bruce Banner's Hulkbuster & The Leader
#337 - Bruce Banner's Hulkbuster/The Leader And now, some more OAFEry:Minimate Mini-Review #92 - Lt. Colonel James Rhodes & Air Assault Drone Flippin' through Previews - March '16 Minimate Mini-Review #43 - Jim Rhodes & Mark I Iron Man Flippin' … Continue reading