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Monthly Archives: April 2022
Living Dead Dolls Figurines: Resurrection Walpurgis review
Walpurgisnacht is an annual tradition in Germany (with similar variants in other northern/central European countries) when all the witches of the land congregate on the highest mountain peak to summon demons and bring their wrath upon the world. Thus, the … Continue reading
At ease, disease! Sgt. Slaughter has re-enlisted!
Bob Remus has apparently signed a multi-year deal with Hasbro that will see the beloved Sgt. Slaughter return to the GI Joe brand, including appearing in the Classified line. According to the Sarge himself, the WWF's refusal to let him … Continue reading
Pizza is gonna send out for you
Looks like Ronald and Grimace have some competition: And now, some more OAFEry:Spoilers on toys Supervillain primary debate, part 4 A suggestion for Michael Bay Toy swapping: not just for real stores any more I seem to recognize your face … Continue reading
Sleepwalker addendum
Posted in addendums, fan films, Marvel
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The pure chaos of Funko Riddler reviews
And now, some more OAFEry:Minimate Mini-Review #27 - Batman & Clayface Flippin' Through Previews - October '09 Rustin's Spoils of the Week #169 Flippin' through Previews - September '15 I seem to recognize your face - The Mystery Men
Transformers Bumblebee: Studio Series Shockwave addendum
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sam Smith - Hasbro ⚓️ (@king_samlock) And now, some more OAFEry:Transformers BotBots factions Transformers meets Star Wars (again) Transformers character designs be like Post-apocalyptic Optimus Prime Not everything comes with clear … Continue reading
The two Americas
Today's review of the Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness America Chavez Marvel Legend mentioned that she was pretty drastically reimagined between her first appearance and hitting it big.