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Monthly Archives: June 2008
Seventh Kingdom Sundays - a wrap-up
So in honor of the long-awaited release of the Four Horsemen's FANtastic Exclusive 2007 figures, we've been running a little feature called "Seventh Kingdom Sundays": every week, a member of the Anitherian Nine was our featured review. You probably saw … Continue reading
Xevoz customs - part 9
Oi! It's been ages since eMummy shared any of his custom Xevoz design, but he's back at last - this time with a new species! These fishy blokes are both part of a group called the Aquattax, something eMummy just … Continue reading
GI Joe Movie Watch: Brendan Fraser's cameo
So, uh, hey. Look at this. In our last update, we showed you some costumes. Now we have a short video of Brendan Fraser taking some time away from pimping Journey to the Center of the Earth to tell us … Continue reading
Seventh Kingdom - building a mutant
In today's Seventh Kingdom Sundays review, yo really seemed to be down on the mutants Ggruxx and Ssejjhhorr. As a little sidenote, take a little inside look at how the mutants were assembled: And since you can't make out the … Continue reading
Division of Labor
Have you noticed something about the names given to the Seventh Kingdom variants? There's a split between the elephants and the non-elephants. Check it out: The Hammer of Gholl The Mace of Broggah The Club of Thraugnn All different names … Continue reading
Seventh Kingdom artwork
We've talked a lot about the Seventh Kingdom and everything related to it, but there's one are we haven't looked at yet - specifically, the back of the card. Nice stuff, huh? Bio paragraph, pictures of all the figures, all … Continue reading
The Seventh Kingdom gets mapped
Last week we shared the story of the Seventh Kingdom with you, and this week we have a visual representation. Click the image below for a bigger version:
Holy crap! McFarlane Toys bowing out
Earlier today in a post on the Spawn.com message boards, the news was revealed that most of McToys original properties have been canceled. As moderator Joe F. said: "The company is focusing on licensed products for right now. The in-house … Continue reading →