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Monthly Archives: October 2010
OAFEnet Email Update for Thursday, October 28
From the dawn of time come the OAFEnet Email Update! It's another exciting week of Horror Month, so grab some candy and read on!
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OAFEnet Email Update for Thursday, October 21
The OAFEnet Email Update has the ability to grant wishes... with HORRIBLE consequences! We're deep in the middle of Horror Month, and we have an extra reward for all our dedicated readers:
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Wal*Mart's pricing strategy backfires
According to an article in Time magazine, Wal*Mart's most recent round of price-cutting has been a failure: Earlier this year, the retailer tried to spark sluggish U.S. sales by lowering its prices - already bargains - even further. One analyst … Continue reading
Posted in commentary, news, Walmart
Roboto's shoulders are on backwards
Mattel QC has done it again. I'm still trying to decide how much I care about this, but over on He-Man.org fans have discovered that Roboto's shoulders appear to be backwards, much like the first-release He-Man. It looks like the … Continue reading
Flippin' Through Previews - October '10
It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in December. And now, some more OAFEry:That settles things The one Spider-Verse character we were … Continue reading
Posted in Previews
Tagged Halo, Harry Potter, Marvel Select, Minimates, PotC, Reel Toys, Spider-Man, Star Wars, Transformers, WoW
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Doctor Who Auton addendum
Hello, crackers! Shocka here. I'm doing the shitty little plastic man from Doctor Who today, the Auton. And though it has nothing (directly) to do with that review, I've got a piece to say about the direction of the show. … Continue reading →