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Monthly Archives: August 2010
Soon Forget: LotR Minimates Series 3
This is the latest in a series (of indefinite length and regularity) of blog posts memorializing cancelled toys. Our figure today is Series 3 of Art Asylum's Lord of the Rings Minimates. Series 3 was shown off at Toy Fair … Continue reading
OAFEnet Email Update for Thursday, August 26
The OAFEnet Email Update demands you go see Scott Pilgrim. In a totally non-ironic way. This week was our actual "birthday," so to speak, so in addition to all the cool reviews, we have a few surprises for you, as … Continue reading
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GI Joe Sgt. Slaughter addendum
In today's review of the SDCC-exclusive Sgt. Slaughter, yo mentioned the back of the card had a letter ostensibly from the Sarge himself. Here's the text: DATED 7/23/20 From: Sgt. Slaughter To: GI Joe Recruits, San Diego, CA Subj: Recruit … Continue reading
OAFEnet Email Update for Thursday, August 19
The grass is always greener on the other side of the OAFEnet Email Update. Our birthday celebration rolled on this week, so let's not waste any time!
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Tarot Minimates cancelled
Remember a few months ago when Minimates based on Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose were solicited? Well, forget it.