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Monthly Archives: January 2007
Everybody likes a good scare
Tomorrow is the first day of February, which means the beginning of Old Toys Month. We're going to start things off with a couple characters from my favorite survival horror game. I'll even give you a hint: I'll describe the … Continue reading
Posted in announcements
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Soon Forget: Spider-Man Beetle repaint
This is the latest in a series (of indefinite length and regularity) of blog posts memorializing cancelled toys. Our figure today is a repaint of The Beetle. As mentioned in this review, there was, at one point, a plan to … Continue reading
Brother, can you spare a dime?
I just fired up the camera to take some pictures for Monday's review, only to find that my camera doesn't want to work any more. All I get is a continual "Card Error." The computer still reads the card just … Continue reading
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OAFEnet Update for Thursday, January 25
The OAFEnet Email Update will break the internet in half. Busy, busy week at OAFEnet. Monkey Boy and yo seem to be in some kind of race for the most reviews, and they've been alternating back and forth since Friday.
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Here's to Sam Elliott!
With his role as the Caretaker in the upcoming Ghost Rider movie, Sam Elliott has joined a small but growing club: actors who have been in two comicbook films. He also played General "Thunderbolt" Ross in The Hulk. So who … Continue reading
Posted in addendums, lists
Tagged Batman, Blade, Captain America, Daredevil, Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, Green Lantern, Hellboy, Hulk, Iron Man, Punisher, Spawn, Spider-Man, Superman, Thor, Watchmen, Wolverine, X-Men, zombies
Has he lost his mind? Can he see or is he blind?
As anyone who could possibly be reading this is undoubtedly aware, there is no shortage of Iron Men (or variations on the theme) in the ML line. For those not keeping score, here are the ones I came up with … Continue reading
Posted in addendums, Hasbro, lists, Marvel, ToyBiz
Tagged Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man, Marvel Legends
The rings of the Mandarin
Okay, so you've read today's Iron Man vs. Mandarin review, and you know that Mandarin wears 10 rings of power. But what are they? And now, some more OAFEry:Whip It Out And Measure It Minimate Mini-Review #157 - Marvel vs. … Continue reading
Gears of War
Like many gamers, I first encountered the first-person shooter genre with Doom. As an adolescent who grew up playing Predator in the backyard, I was immediately mesmerized by its blend of science fiction, monsters, and blowing the crap out of … Continue reading
Posted in blog exclusive review
OAFEnet Update for Thursday, January 18
Dedicated to the memory of those who aren't with us any more, it's the OAFEnet Email Update. After giving everyone the option to unsubscribe from the OEU last week, only ten people took the opportunity. Which means for everyone else, … Continue reading
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Face Off Sabretooth addendum
In today's review of the Marvel Legends Face-Off Series 2 Wolverine and Sabretooth set, yo mentioned that John Byrne designed a face for Logan that he later used as a basis for Creed. Here's the sketch he sent to Chris … Continue reading