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Monthly Archives: June 2007
OAFEnet Update for Thursday, June 28
What wrong wif you? You not hungry for Hot Pockets, you hungry for OAFEnet Email Update! This week's reviews failed to generate any interest at all on our message board. If that's not a ringing endorsement, I don't know what … Continue reading
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Hellboy: Blood & Iron - animated easter eggs
In today's review of the new Gentle Giant Animated Hellboy figure and the Blood & Iron dvd, we mentioned that there were a few little Easter eggs in the film. Here's what you may have missed: And now, some more … Continue reading
Geek Speak: Transformer Size Classes
When you read about Transformers online, you will often see people mentioning different size classes. Without any frame of reference, terms like Leader, Deluxe and Supreme don't mean much. However, it's actually a pretty clever scheme. Hasbro divides the TFs … Continue reading
OAFEnet Update for Thursday, June 14
The OAFEnet Email Update taught grammar to the lolcats. There's a surprise waiting at the end of this update. It's a goodun'. Sure to catch people off guard. We'd tell you to prepare yourselves, but you can't. That's how unexpected … Continue reading
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yo - Elephants on Parade
Last year, the Four Horsemen revolutionized the toy industry with their FANtastic Exclusive project. Okay, maybe that's over-stating the situation a bit, but it really was something new. Fans voting on their figure every step of the way? It had … Continue reading →