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Monthly Archives: February 2005
ATFC - NECA is "Cult" leader with REEL TOYS.
Here's Reel Toys' currently announced 2005 Cult Classics (and related) 7" scale slate for 2005. And now, some more OAFEry:Flippin' Through Previews - March '07 Rustin - Cult Classics Ash addendum Flippin' Through Previews - May '07
ATFC - Palisades (+ Frank the Bunny)
Welcome to Day 3 of our Armchair Toy Fair Coverage™. And now, some more OAFEry:Mo-Larr addendum C is for Cookie, that's good enough for Me(na Suvari) Rustin's Spoils of the Week #73 A tour of Toys R Us in 1991 … Continue reading
Posted in ATFC, commentary, NECA, Palisades
Tagged Adult Swim, Cult Classics, Invader Zim, Muppets
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ATFC thoughts
Now, Poe's been sniping at me to try and get me to talk about Toy Fair, and I don't have huge amounts to say - I have other things to do and sights to see, but I'm in good spirits … Continue reading
ATFC - Hellboy and Goon: denied!
It seems Mezco has placed a no-pictures policy on their two most anticipated lines, Hellboy and the Goon. Their official explanation, by way of an online board rep, is "various different reasons [we're] not going to get into." And now, … Continue reading
Our Toy Fair coverage begins today…
That is to say, our coverage of other websites' Toy Fair coverage begins today. Yes, while other websites run around a big building in New York, clogging their arteries with criminally-overpriced hot dogs, dealing with coy toy manufacturers and bumping … Continue reading
Posted in ATFC, commentary
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Action figures + cartoons = good
This Sunday, cartoon's Network's [adult swim] debuts a new show, Robot Chicken. It's basically stop-motion animation performed with action figures instead of clay. Thanks to a screener copy, here's an advance review: And now, some more OAFEry:Need some scenery for … Continue reading
Save the Xevoz!!
A quick though somewhat late news item today - our good friends over at Millionare Playboy have gathered together to help Save the Xevoz, the awesome Hasbro line that combined all the coolest elements of the Stikfas with the popular … Continue reading
Soon Forget: Extendo-Arm Earthworm Jim
This is the latest in a series (of indefinite length and regularity) of blog posts memorializing cancelled toys. Our subject today is Playmates' Earthworm Jim "Extendo-Arm Jim". Part of the planned Series 2 (shown off at Toy Fair 1996), this … Continue reading
Marvel Legends Doc Ock addendum: sick burn!
yo sez: In today's review of Marvel Legends Dock Ock, I said the included comic had the funniest joke I've ever seen Spider-Man make. After battling through the city, Spidey leads Otto to the piers, and makes his stand in … Continue reading
ATFC - Nightmares of Lovecraft
I'm a big fan of H.P. Lovecraft, so I've been eagerly awaiting SOTA's Nightmares of Lovecraft line, which they announced last year at the SDCC. The line is based on the written works of Lovecraft, rather than a film or … Continue reading →