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Monthly Archives: February 2018
This certainly explains why...
...Target is currently marking the Guardians of the Galaxy figures down to $11.99: And now, some more OAFEry:Minimate Mini-Review #91 - Mark VI Iron Man & Ground Assault Drone What the heck is going on at Target? Spider-Man Legends: Anti-Venom … Continue reading
Soon Forget: Only Human Transformers Part 2
This is the latest in a series (of indefinite length and regularity) of blog posts memorializing cancelled toys. Our figures today are Part 2 of Fun Publications' "Only Human" GI Joe/Transformers crossover figures. In 2017, Fun Pub lost the rights … Continue reading
Minimate Mini-Review #358 - Negative Zone Spider-Man & Jack O'Lantern
#358 - Negative Zone Spider-Man/Jack O'Lantern And now, some more OAFEry:Soon Forget: ToyBiz "Fat Bat" Rustin's Spoils of the Week #210 Minimate Mini-Review #331 - Itsy Bitsy Spider-Man & Spider-Man Noir Spider-Man Retro Collection: Carnage exclusive review Marvel Legends addendum: … Continue reading
Anna Gasser totally looks like Chromedome
And now, some more OAFEry:Calvin Johnson: wide receiver in disguise Transformers Noir Autobot X Transformers BotBots Mucker Von Diggs exclusive review Transformers Kre-O Long Haul review
Hasbro at Toy Fair
Couldn't make it to Toy Fair this year, but Hasbro was nice enough to send us official photos! Let's start with Marvel Legends and the Ant Man and Stinger 2-Pack! pic.twitter.com/Pkj8ZesUxl — OAFEnet (@OAFE) February 18, 2018
Posted in Hasbro, Toy Fair
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Disney Afternoon Mystery Minis - Rescue Rangers review
Disney took a real risk when they created DuckTales - the show was expensive to produce, and there was no guarantee syndicating it would recoup all the costs. When it proved to be a hit, Disney moved to capitalize, next … Continue reading