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Monthly Archives: June 2023
OAFEnet Email Update for Thursday, June 29
The OAFEnet Email Update reminds you to have pity for sea-going billionaires: they're under a lot of pressure.
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Street Fighter Rangers
Today we finished up the Power Rangers x Street Fighter reviews, but there's one more thing worth discussing about them: the packaging. And now, some more OAFEry:ATFC '12 - Day 4: Bandai Minimate Mini-Review #157 - Marvel vs. Capcom Minimates … Continue reading
Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 3
Surprise! Part 2 wasn't the end of the race after all. Part 3 may not have been ready when Crasher went up, but now we finally get one: Vision-Impaired Transcript: Page 1 Panel 1: Apparently crossing the finish line in … Continue reading
Spider-Punk designs
As mentioned in today's review, here's what the design process for Spider-Punk involved: And now, some more OAFEry:Marvel Legends addendum: dat body! A second Easter surprise Rustin's Spoils of the Week #8 Rustin's Spoils of the Week #182 Flippin' through … Continue reading
Soon Forget: Mon*Star
This is the latest in a series (of indefinite length and regularity) of blog posts memorializing cancelled toys. Our figure today is Kenner's SilverHawks Mon*Star. There was one Mon*Star toy, in his powered-up form, but only its swappable head gave … Continue reading
How to fix the General Lee
Tired of having the #1 symbol for racist losers on your car? Now there's a solution! They can call it the "Stonewall."
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OAFEnet Email Update for Thursday, June 22
OAFEnet Email Update: Turn On the Dark Here's a comment of the week: "This week's #MarvelMonday review should've been Molecule Man for double alteration!" Missed opportunity.
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How Dungeons & Dragons has evolved
Here, using Warduke's stats, is an illustration of just how much D&D sourcebooks have changed over the years. His first appearance was an entry in 1983's The Shady Dragon Inn: And now, some more OAFEry:Behold: the Beholder Geoffrey! What is … Continue reading
We always said Mountain Dew was Toxic
Someone noticed the upcoming Transformers Legacy "Toxitron Collection" seemed to have an unlikely inspiration: That's Laser Cycle as Mountain Dew Ice, G2 Mirage as Major Melon, G2 Jazz as Mountain Dew LiveWire, G2 Sideswipe as Baja Flash, and G2 Dead … Continue reading