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Monthly Archives: August 2019
Zombie Lab: Zombie 007 (025) review
And now, some more OAFEry:How does this work, exactly? Flippin' through Previews - August '14 Zombie Lab: Zombie 006 (020) review Vitruvian HACKS 2020 Deluxe Advent Calendar review - Day 11 Zombie Lab: Zombie 004 (015) review
OAFEnet Email Update for Thursday, August 29
Like Unicron, the OAFEnet Email Update is offering an extension in an effort to get more people signed up before the deadline.
Posted in OEU
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The continuing adventures of John Hammond
In 1998, EA Games released Jurassic Park: Trespasser, a PC game best known today for being "that one where your health bar is 'looking at your own boobs'." The plot involved staring down your cleavage Anne, the sole survivor of … Continue reading
Ahoy, Plunderlings!
Attention fantasy fans! Want a line of 6" scale, highly-articulated goblins to run around and give all your other toys trouble? Want them to be pirate-themed? Want the pirate stuff to be removable so they can be regular-themed? Well then … Continue reading
Transformers BotBots Bankshot review
Usually the Transformers BotBots are sold in blended multipacks: like, the package may say it's a "Jock Squad" 5-pack, but there will only be a couple actual Jock Squad bots in there, with the other slots handed out to members … Continue reading
"Captain Marvel" Movie Series: Captain Marvel Binary Form exclusive review
One thing that kept resurfacing in the (male) criticism of Captain Marvel was the idea that Carol had no story arc, that she was super powerful at the beginning and super powerful at the end. That misses the point. And … Continue reading
Posted in blog exclusive review, Hasbro, Marvel, Walmart
Tagged Captain Marvel, Marvel Legends
Wreck-It Ralph Anna and Elsa addendum
We thought you'd like to see the character designs for Anna and Elsa's casual clothes, including some unused options: Character art is by Ami Thompson, the fashion is by Griselda Sastrawinata, and the alternate designs for Anna's shirt are by … Continue reading
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #220
Power Con 2019 has come and gone, and with it the passing into a new era for the show. This was the first time for it out of Torrance, and it's followed Designer Con by moving to Anaheim. Power Con … Continue reading