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Monthly Archives: March 2012
Minimate Mini-Review #47 - Iron Man Hostile Takeover
By special request from reader Fries Against, we present the first installment of our new feature, 365 Days of Minimate reviews! #47 - Hostile Takeover And now, some more OAFEry:Minimate Mini-Review #94 - Mandarin & Dreadnought Integrating Marvel Select Minimate … Continue reading
Supervillain primary debate, part 2
Continued from here. This time, social issues are the topic of the day. And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #12 Minimate Mini-Review #312 - Legolas & Gimli Unlimited power!!! Flippin' through Previews - November '13 What do … Continue reading
Posted in videos
Tagged Batman, Cobra Commander, GI Joe, Harry Potter, LotR, Star Wars
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Rustin's Spoils of the Week #55
As is oft the case at conventions, the materialism gets the better of me and I buy too much. Wonder Con 2012 was no different as I had to spread my haul across two weeks worth of Spoils (and even … Continue reading
Posted in Art Asylum, McFarlane, Rustin's Spoils of the Week, ToyBiz
Tagged Back to the Future, Minimates, OMFG, Pirates, Spawn, Stargate, Universal Monsters, X-Men
A suggestion for Michael Bay
If reports are true about Michael Bay's TMNT reboot involving aliens rather than mutant turtles, I think we've found the perfect villain for them to fight: Art by David "Qdog" Quinn. And now, some more OAFEry:SDCC 2011 - Day 1, … Continue reading
Hasbro Employee Interviews
And now, some more OAFEry:Soon Forget: Marauder Megatron Transformers Novastar addendum Battle Core Optimus Prime addendum Cobra Commander gets the key to the city of Springfield Transformers BotBots Tricitrustops and Trisourtops reviews
Minimate Mini-Review #46 - Gauntlet Tony Stark & Stealth Iron Man
#46 - Gauntlet Tony Stark/Stealth Iron Man Brief confession: remember last year when I told you about my Minimate drawer and said the point of these mini-reviews was to eventually empty it out? Here we are, 44 reviews later, and … Continue reading
Conflicts of interest in reviewing
There's an article on Forbes today that's about the controversial Mass Effect 3 ending and the state of videogame reviewing. It's an interesting read, even if you're not a gamer, because it raises a lot of interesting questions about the … Continue reading →