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Monthly Archives: March 2022
One crowded lagoon!
Ok fine I made a second creature shelf display are you happy And now, some more OAFEry:Reminder: it's Toys for Tots time Flippin' through Previews - May '15 Flippin' through Previews - March '13 Rustin's Spoils of the Week #55 … Continue reading
The same scene from two perspectives
As mentioned in today's review, here's the crossover between Invincible and Spider-Man. Specifically, the scene when Mark gets zhwoomed into Earth-616: Invincible #33 was drawn by Ryan Ottley, who was the book's regular artist by that point; but in a … Continue reading
OAFEnet Email Update for Thursday, March 24
Оновленню електронної пошти OAFEnet не потрібно змінювати кольори на синій та жовтий, тому що ми завжди виглядали так.
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Heroes with a High Heel, Turtle Power!
Power Rangers aren't the craziest thing the TMNT have mutated into: And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #192 Shredder's colors ATFC '16 - Day 3: Mattel/Mega Bloks Brown Costume Wolverine addendum Rustin's Spoils of the Week #221
That time Sailor Moon became a Power Ranger
This video starts off with a pretty interesting look at what it takes to research old toys from your childhood, then takes a really wild tangent into something you've probably never heard of before: Now we want to find out … Continue reading
Transformers Bumblebee: Studio Series Ravage review
In today's Soundwave review, we talked about how keeping the robot's functioning chest compartment was a top priority. The reason for that? Because Hasbro also made a Ravage to go with him! The first in a new "Core" Class segment … Continue reading
Doctor Strange addendum: the blue mask
As mentioned in today's review, here's the full version of Dr. Strange's weirdly long-lived blue-masked costume: It's very similar to his standard outfit, but the tunic is turned into a full super-suit (including the legs, which are no longer black), … Continue reading