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Category Archives: NECA
Shhh. I’m in disguise.
These "Ben Cooper Costume Kids" figures are so cool. And now, some more OAFEry:Alien: what's wrong with NECA's motion tracker? Alien/Predator two-pack addendum Lights, camera, ACTION (figures)! Flippin' through Previews - February '14 Predator 2: Ultimate Scout Predator addendum
When that first hint of fall hits the air
And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #163 Rustin's Spoils of the Week #141 Rustin's Spoils of the Week #75 Gorilla Alien addendum Rustin's Spoils of the Week #102
Overlapping interests
I got a Christopher Lee Dracula so please enjoy my collection of Draculas and Christopher Lees And now, some more OAFEry:Flippin' Through Previews - November '10 Flippin' through Previews - June '14 Meming Hot Toys with Tolkien Rustin's Spoils of … Continue reading
Gordon's alive?
Anything you'd like to say today, Vultan? And now, some more OAFEry:Flippin' through Previews - September '13 ATFC '16 - Day 2: NECA Machete addendum Flippin' Through Previews - January '11 Rustin's Spoils of the Week #207
My god, not the action figures too! No!! Nooo!!
Transgender illegal alien prisoners And now, some more OAFEry:Hammers head See "ewe" next Wednesday We've all been there before Christians vs. He-Man Vin Diesel, "Street Sharks" booth babe
Okay, but how's he out in the sun?
And now, some more OAFEry:Gremlins Countdown Calendar review - Day 16 Gremlins Countdown Calendar review - Day 17 Flippin' through Previews - December '15 Flippin' through Previews - October '14 Rustin's Spoils of the Week #8
GI Joe Classified: Big Boa addendum
yo was right in today's review: Classified Big Boa really does look nice with the NECA TMNT heavy bag! And now, some more OAFEry:The (Wo)man Without Fear A real American doggo Mods are asleep, post Creatures Minimalist Lego designs Geoffrey! … Continue reading
Haulathon already?
Someone who is good with the economy please help my family is dying And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #181 Rustin's Spoils of the Week #184 Soon Forget: Mighty Mutanimals Sculpting Toys with Scott Hensey Rustin's Spoils … Continue reading
Wake up early and you might catch the Easter bunny at work
And now, some more OAFEry:Flippin' through Previews - August '15 Mantis Alien addendum Predator 2: Ultimate Guardian Predator addendum Rustin's Spoils of the Week #27 Flippin' through Previews - February '15
NECA "Gargoyles" Ultimate Armored Xanatos review
Fearing he's lost his "edge," Xanatos dons armor that transforms him into one of his gargoyle robots. Cunningly, he begins a campaign of terror all across Manhattan that makes everyone in the city believe that gargoyles exist. And now, some … Continue reading