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Tag Archives: GitD
Minimate Mini-Review #354 - HP Lovecraft's Cthulhu (Glow-in-the-Dark Edition)
#354 - Cthulhu Vinimate And now, some more OAFEry:Flippin' through Previews - August '15 Walking Dead Mystery Minis: Golf Club Walker review Rustin's Spoils of the Week #215 Beware the Old Ones! Rustin's Spoils of the Week #105
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #196
Designer Con 2017 was two weekends back, November 11 & 12th, at the Pasadena Convention Center. It's a show that's been running for five years now that focuses on designer toys and art and it's gotten such a big following … Continue reading
Posted in Rustin's Spoils of the Week
Tagged GitD, MotU, ReAction, Skeletor, Toxic Avenger
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #193
Well, Halloween is next week, so what better time than now to finally delve in to the marriage of two of my favorite things - Playmobil & Ghostbusters! As long-time readers no doubt recall, I am a mega fan of … Continue reading
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #184
Ya all know me - I love me some Minimates! So let's get caught up on a big assortment from figures I haven't had the chance to review yet! We've survived Minimapocalypse I, we've escaped Minimapocalypse II, we've something-elsed Minimapocalypse … Continue reading
Minimate Mini-Review #339 - Watchmen Series 1
#339 - Comedian/Nite Owl Finally we get some DC Minimates again! And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #69 Rustin's Spoils of the Week #166 Rustin's Spoils of the Week #84 Here's to Sam Elliott! Rustin's Spoils of … Continue reading
Vitruvian HACKS: Ghost Light (Glow in the Dark) accessory set
It's time for our last Vitruvian HACKS accessory set review. This week: Ghost Light (Glow in the Dark)! And now, some more OAFEry:Fortnite: Green Glow Skull Trooper exclusive review Vitruvian HACKS: Bone White accessory set Vitruvian HACKS 2020 Deluxe Advent … Continue reading
Safari Ltd. Glow-in-the-Dark Dragon Designer TOOB addendum
History Blazing across the night sky in a hellish green glow are these six luminescent dragons, united by the magic that robbed them of their original identities. Known to be incredibly intelligent beings, these dragons are searching far and wide … Continue reading
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #176
This past weekend was one of Chicago's big comic conventions: C2E2 - and your friendly neighborhood Rustin was on-site to take in the sights and, of course, shop ever-so-slightly responsibly. So, join me on this trip down the booths of … Continue reading
Posted in C2E2, Rustin's Spoils of the Week
Tagged Alien, Batman, C2E2 2017, Dr. Strange, Ghostbusters, GitD, Marvel Universe, Minimates, Spider-Man, Street Fighter, Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Madballs Blind Bags - Skull Face review
So, someone who reads the site has gotten a few of the new blind-bagged Madballs, and offered the opportunity for us to take a look at them without me having to spend my own money on them. Let's hear it … Continue reading
MotU Minis: Stratos & Scareglow reviews
And now, some more OAFEry:He-Man, but Terry Crews plays all the roles Eternia Minis: Buzz-Off exclusive review Rustin's Spoils of the Week #211 Trapjaw addendum What's going on, He-Man?