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Monthly Archives: March 2021
Dino Dudes: Series 1 Glow-in-the-Dark set review
And now, some more OAFEry:Soon Forget: Jurassic Park Styracosaurus Beasts of the Mesozoic Monoclonius addendum Madballs Blind Bags - Skull Face review Rustin's Spoils of the Week #215 Soon Forget: Dinosaucers Stego
Posted in addendums, blog exclusive review, Kickstarter, Lego
Tagged dinosaurs, GitD
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Invest in your displays
...or, "don't stand thousands of dollars worth of robots on $20 worth of shelf." (via) And now, some more OAFEry:Transformers BotBots The Cobbler review Transformers BotBots Snorg the Conquerer review BotBots blindpack codes Transformers BotBots The Great Mumbo Bumblo review … Continue reading
Predator 2: Ultimate Stalker Predator addendum
Tristan Jones' box art for NECA's Ultimate Stalker Predator: And now, some more OAFEry:Scorpion Alien addendum Rustin's Spoils of the Week #102 Rustin's Spoils of the Week #75 Flippin' through Previews - November '11 Batman becomes high art
Horizon Zero Dawn Mystery Minis - Tallneck review
And now, some more OAFEry:Best of Bethesda Mystery Minis - Doom Revenant review Retro Toy Mystery Minis - My Pet Monster review Horror Classics Mystery Minis - The Shining reviews Walking Dead Mystery Minis: Teddy Bear Walker review Walking Dead … Continue reading
The Periodic Table of Lego Colors
Ever wished you could talk about different Lego colors with the same confidence possessed by block nerds? Now you can! This wall art features 12 different shapes in 65 different colors, and has a key showing what all the names … Continue reading
Posted in Lego
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Transformers character designs be like
(via) And now, some more OAFEry:Transformers BotBots Twerple Burple & The Fizz reviews This is why... Flippin' through Previews - June '13 Transformers: Legends Class Megatron review A Joe Friday custom
Illustrated King Kong addendum
So in today's review, we had a bit of fun pretending that NECA's Ultimate King Kong (Illustrated edition) was not really from our world, but from another, with the main "evidence" being the lack of copyright information on the packaging … Continue reading →