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Yearly Archives: 2021
NECA: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990 Movie) Ultimate Casey Jones exclusive review
I think Apollo is mad that, as a toy collector, I worship his sister Artemis rather than him, and that's why he's cursed me with the gift of prophecy. And now, some more OAFEry:My Toy Shrine Mods are asleep, post … Continue reading
The many names of Benedict Cumberbatch
To go along with today's What If...? Doctor Strange Supreme review, here's a list of all the silly names we've called his actor: Lord Benedict Neville-Clive Cumberbatch III Bandicoot Cabbagepatch Bumblebee Candlestick Buttercup Animorph Anglerfish Concubine Zingelbert Bembledack Wimbledon Tennismatch … Continue reading
Elf Advent Calendar addendum
The Elf Advent Calendar had three collective "items" spread out over multiple days: the candy cane, Leon the Snowman, and the Giftsmas tree. We included pictures if the assembled pieces as links in the final day of each review, but … Continue reading
"What If...?" Heist Nebula addendum
As mentioned in today's review, here are three takes on Nebula's hair: Which do you like best? And now, some more OAFEry:Fortnite: the Nexus War Guardians of the Galaxy Gamora addendum Rustin's Spoils of the Week #175 Marvel Legends addendum: … Continue reading
Elf Advent Calendar review - Day 24
Big surprise on Day 24 of the Elf Advent Calendar! After getting WandaSanta yesterday, I thought today would be the real one, Ed Asner. Instead, we get a snowglobe. Vaguely representing the one Papa Elf gave Buddy so he could … Continue reading
"What If...?" Captain Carter (Stealth Suit) exclusive review
What If... The Watcher Broke His Oath? And now, some more OAFEry:ML3: Deadpool review Venom Marvel Legends: Venom (Pork Grind) review Somebody get Marvel on the phone! Not that Chris Minimate Mini-Review #308 - Suited Vision & Scarlet Witch
Posted in addendums, blog exclusive review, Hasbro, Marvel, Target
Tagged Captain America, Marvel Legends
1 Comment
Elf Advent Calendar review - Day 23
SANTA!! Okay, not the real one, but Buddy's manager at Gimbels, who had to take over the role after Buddy got in a fight with the first one (the one who sat on a throne of lies). He was played … Continue reading