OAFE Update for Thursday, January 9

Well well, happy New Year.  How's 2003 treating you so far?  Pretty much the same as 2002?  Yeah, that's what I thought.

We posted two new reviews late on December 31, to coincide with the unveiling of the Fifth Annual Toy of the Year Awards.  First we have Shocka's look at Muppet Labs: http://www.oafe.net/shocka/muplab.html

Then we took a look at the biggest baddy of them all, The Lord of the Rings' Sauron: http://www.oafe.net/yo/lotrsauron.html

Of course, to see all the ToY winners you can head over to http://www.oafe.net/articulation/120802.html Some of our choices have already sparked debate, so go see what you think and share your feelings on our message board, The Loafing Lounge. http://www.oafe.net/cgi-bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi

Marvel Legends 3 are hitting shelves now, though they're really not, but maybe they are.  What?  I don't know.  We got our hands on the new Wolverine though, and (after a slight modification) posted the review: http://www.oafe.net/yo/ml_wolv.html

Finally, a sneak peek for the members of our mailing list: our newest GI Joe review will be posted in a few days, but you get it now: http://www.oafe.net/yo/gijsb.html

Until next time, keep enjoying those toys!

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