Everything else in this country may be delayed by Memorial Day, but the OAFEs are right on time.
Last week you got a preview of Poe's Predator 2 review. Go find out why his dad is the collest person ever at http://www.oafe.net/poe/mmvi_predator2.html
For those of you who have fond memories of talking socks, take a look at http://www.oafe.net/yo/mupbuns.html
Poe dropped in for a visit to Eternia at http://www.oafe.net/poe/motu_orko.html to see how one of the 80s' greatest hunks of ass.
Don't forget, we're only days aaway from the stunning finale of our May Figureton, "31." Jack Bauer may have already gone, and the President may be dead, but you can still get your fill of directionless idiocy at http://www.oafe.net/toons/0305/
Unarticulated figures? Packaging designed for those silly MOCers? No, we're not picking on McFarlane again, it's a different company who usually gives us better. http://www.oafe.net/yo/ms_origin.html
Also, coming soon: "something else." How's that for obscurity? Join us again next week, when you'll hear Poe say, "Hey, who are you people? Get off my lawn!"