The OAFEnet Email Update is making friends all over.
We're gonna keep it quick this week, because we're working on something crazy for next week. So read these reviews, then we'll tell you about it.
- Joe Friday has a threatening name and a fearsome colorscheme; what more could you want from the bad guys?
- Speaking of being threatening, here's a magical monster.
- Up next was a crew of merciless bounty hunters who know how to plan ahead.
- We used the opportunity of Marvel Monday to wrap up a villainous foursome.
- Do you like fanmodes? The one in this Transformers Tuesday review is easy to make!
- If you have two feet of empty space, you may want this huge playset.
- Be sure to let this one load all the way - there's an animated gif that really sells the idea.
- And finally, a new POA article, in which we do little more than talk about how great we are - you know how it is.
- Since it's a new month, we went through the Previews catalog to let you know what you can buy.
- And here's a really awesome custom 4" version of Ash from Army of Darkness.