If the OAFEnet Email Update is sent at 12:03 on Friday, that still counts as being on Thursday, right? As long as we're trying to tell time in Texas?
- Press Z or R twice to read Joe Friday.
- Here's our attempt to mooch off the popularity of a well-known webcomic.
- And in return, Marvel Monday plugs a site that could use some love.
- Email subscribers got to read this Transformers Tuesday review weeks ago.
- Here's a character famous for whining, but it's not Luke Skywalker.
- And to close out the week, a DC figure wearing an inexplicable costume.
- Don't forget Rustin's Spoils #100 - it's still linked from the front page for a reason!
The blog this week had a new customized figure, a review, a movie trailer, and more. What a bounty!