Mantis Alien addendum

Today's Mantis Alien review informed you that by the time the original figure was released in Series 2, Kenner had stopped printing any bio info on the backs of the packaging. And while that's true, it doesn't mean they stopped writing any.

When the toys were released in Europe, it wouldn't do to show favoritism to one language over another, so even when Series 1 had been released, each toy came with a "Bio Data" trading card, featuring an image of the character or creature on the front, and a multi-lingual (English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, and Dutch) bio on the back. When Kenner US dropped the text for Series 2, Kenner Europe just kept doing what they'd been doing, which is how we can share the Mantis's information with you now:

Unknown, suspected to be desert planet Tanaka 5.

42 workers, 23 eggs, 1 Queen

Equipped with far reaching, bone crushing arms.

Destruct point:
Weak body armour, susceptible to machine gun fire.

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