If you have an Ollie's Discount Warehouse near you, you might want to check it out.
That is the recent Titans Return Fort Max, available for a scant $40. Unbeatable price!
If you have an Ollie's Discount Warehouse near you, you might want to check it out.
That is the recent Titans Return Fort Max, available for a scant $40. Unbeatable price!
Holy cow that is an awesome price! Unfortunately I'm way too far away to take advantage of these prices. Anyone nearby that could help me out? I'd gladly pay whatever the shipping cost would be to get it to me.
Sure, I have two Ollieses near me, and I'll be out and about tomorrow. I'll definitely take a look for you...
Thank you, yo!
No luck yet, but I keep checking...
No worries, yo. With this news I wouldn't be surprised if they hadn't all been picked up already, whether by fans or those looking for profit.