The Alliance for Exospheric Reconnaissance, Recovery, and Reclamation, more commonly known as AEXOR3, is a salvage and exploration organization conducting business across the Third, Fourth, and occasionally the Fifth Rings of Cosmerrium. AEXOR3 is one of a handful of successful companies who have thus far rebuked membership in the powerful and influential Traders Union.
- Kalian Shunn
Employees of the AEXOR3 company, the team of reclamation and recovery specialists who fly aboard the Qorgonox vessel have become known as the “OxKrewe”.
- Orvar
- Uularia Speer
- Vellok Speer
- OxKrewe Campsite Collection
TU5CC | GraveRing | The Bleeder's Guild | The Red Spiral | The MAZE | AEXOR3 | OxKrewe
Unaffiliated Citizens of Cosmerrium | UNCLASSIFIED