As mentioned in today's review, the MODOK Elvises were not the only threat Nextwave faced as they fought toward their ultimate goal. Here, from Nextwave: Agents of HATE #11, are the double-page spreads of wild creations, with the villains we could use toys of:
- Its the Living Colossi (Tales of Suspense #14, 1960)
- Beasts of Berlin (Tales to Astonish #60, 1964)
- Wobbows (Tales to Astonish #51, 1963)
- Living Brains (Amazing Spider-Man #8, 1963)

Nextwave know that science is a trick on white people and that the shamans of the mountains, the jungle, the desert and the steppe have hated Stephen Hawking for five thousand years.
- Eye-beam-firing Stephen Hawkings in flying gladiatorial wheelchairs
- Nudist ninjas
- Flying Chinese windmill men
- S&M Iron Man babies
- Atlantean pirates with laser peglegs
- Elvis MODOKs
- Cyclops brontosauruses
- Conjoined two-headed, four-armed samurais
- Albino alien/gargoyle chimney sweeps
- Giant rattlers flying specially designed biplanes
- Wolverine Kong with a timebomb banana
- Smaller Wolverine chimpanzees
- Mechano (Strange Tales #86, 1961)
- Jetpack sabertooth white tigers
- Possessors (Strange Tales #118, 1963)
- Angry tree monsters
- Hidden Men (Tales to Astonish #67, 1965)
- Mogul of the Mystic Mountain (Thor #137, 1967)
- Infant Terribles (Fantastic Four #24, 1963)
Lots and lots of options there, and every one of them would be more interesting than another random Iron Man armor.
And just in case you were wondering, here's the set list from inside the set's packaging, with our best guesses of what they're all referencing:
(Some are obviously up for debate, and others are more likely inspired by later cover versions rather than the originals, but you get the idea.)
And, why not, here's the Nextwave themesong:
Okay, one final bit: from Spider-Man/Deadpool #50, here's the page where Wade was peeking into other comics for advice on how to beat the current villain, The Manipulator:
Allegedly that scene is from X-Force: 2 The X-Treme #IHOCYSCWI and features the titular neXtFORCE (comprising Night Thrasher, Screwball, a Ghost Rider on a dirt bike, Adam X the X-Treme, and Silver Surfer) fighting the villain in question, while simultaneously beset by giant snails and a pack of albino gorilla Cables.