I set aside a couple of boxes of preorders and deliveries at the end of October and just tripped over them, so thank you Samhain for that belated trick resulting in this timely treat!
Hasbro - Power Rangers x Cobra Kai Lightning Collection: Skeleputty
While avoiding work and going down action figure search rabbit-holes I was reminded that I once had an idea for a custom using these Scareglow-esque skeleton bodies so finally pulled the trigger on getting the figure since Lightning Collection is dead and this will likely soon disappear into scalper heaven. It's the first Putty figure I've got and I'm sure is just a straight repaint but it's a nice sculpt and the articulation is fantastic. I really like the few Lightning Collection figures I've got and sort of wish I cared more about Power Rangers (or was rich) so I could have collected more. This armybuilder comes with two sets of swappable forearms/hands (no wrist articulation), which are"Ben Grimm/Thing" enough that I mildly want to repaint them orange. We also get two novel, if odd, blast effects. Both have a surprisingly cool pearlescent paint effect, and the torso one has a wild almost self-illuminating quality that is impossible to describe or photograph but impressive enough I'll likely keep it on display. Beyond the skele-costume deco the thing that sets this figure apart is a big Cobra Kai logo on the back, which honestly kinda of ruins the grim vibe of the figure... but at least that's on the back so less visible.
Hasbro - Spider-Man Legends: Jack'O'Lantern
This figure is so totally my jam, but I was broke when he released so finally remembered to grab him in honor of Halloween, and indeed opened him on that (ahem) hallowed day! I wish the foot pegs on the hover disc were spaced differently for some better action poses - and I wish Pulse sold "bags'o'flight-stands" or something that could be used here (I really appreciate that they included the "universal" ball socket AND a removable cone-plug giving us some options). But really, my only real complaints MIGHT be that I wish the not-pumpkin-bombs were metallic orange or at least not the same shade as the head. Otherwise I really love this figure! The head is PHENOMENAL and easily the best aflame-Jack'o'lantern in toy for I've yet to come across! The sculpt is excellent and the paint is nice; plus the pumpkin is a separate mask glued on to the the "fire" head so if you pop the head off and put it on a light the whole glows realistically! The real star is the plastic used for the torso, though. It's an incredible metallic green that has an indescribable part-colorshift/part-translucency to it that is just about the cooolest looking effect I've ever seen in a mass produced toy! It REALLY makes me wish that Hasbro could/would just make "cool figures" and release a figure that uses this scaly torso with the scaly Goblin limbs all in this awesome green plastic!
Hasbro - "Deadpool" Colossus
Colossus was a fun treat in the first Deadpool movie so I'm pleased to add him to that collection; especially since this figure is from the first and "best" Deadpool movie (though truth be told I'm not sure how much his costume changed for the second). It's a nice sculpt with the pleated arms and neck being the real star. They, and the head, use a very nice and bright silver that pops well. An alternate head and set of hands, and a little note book round out this quite welcome (though, frankly, not very exciting) release.
NECA - Alien Romulus: Accessory Set
I was really "cautiously optimistic" for Romulus, so I went ahead and preordered the Figure + Accessory Set bundle from NECA after seeing these at SDCC. I figured this set was a way to get out the white pulse rifle and facehugger carrying-case quickly without spoiling figures... but... of course having sat through this ill-begotten film now it's clear that it's because it has neither likeable/memorable characters nor even-remotely-interesting/toyetic costumes. But, I suppose if they ever do make any "20-year-olds in sweatpants" they could use this existing tooling to plus those up. The "asteroid" was super intriguing when revealed at ComicCon but disappointing and fleeting in the film. It's done nice enough here despite being the "positive" side when the film only showed the "negative" side. Kindly, the back of the asteroid has a nail-hole to hang on a wall. We get two almost identical chestbursters with short, thin bendy wires and three facehuggers: one "open," one that would fit over a head and one curled up that fits within the Cryoframe Case. That case is pretty cool and a fascinating idea that I wish was more than just set dressing in the film. The case spits in half, which I had to use a knife to open because it's so tight, and you can swap out the closed "plastic" containers for "burst plastic" ones - which really makes me wish they just included a second frame, and maybe another Facehugger jumping from it (and would happily forego one or both chestbursters for that). We also get the simple but cool white pulse rifle, which turned out nicely. Given that everything but the Asteroid is an "army builder," I really think this should have been two separate sets, but what are you gonna do? It's not likely we'll get anything else from movie anyway.
NECA - Alien Romulus: Scorched Xenomorph
This obligatory redesign of the Xenomorph is kinda neat. It's got all the familiar features but also a "not sure if I like it or it's just different" tummy design with a separate "spine" in front of it, which I didn't notice in the movie. The figure is really nicely sculpted, as we'd expect from NECA, with more color to its deco than I'd expected including translucent amber plastic used for the extremities. The design is tough to keep standing though, given its height and spindly limbs; but we do get a stand (without instructions or photos to know how to use it) included. There's also a bonkers FIVE extra pairsof hands in slightly different poses, plus alternate "scorched" and "not" frontal-domes. We also get a chestburster (yawn) and a facehugger. The Facehugger is a nice inclusion since those were the only real threats in the film, and more plentiful than Xenos. Ultimately Romulus was just a disappointing fanfic parade of the iconic moments from all the other Alien movies, and may end up almost, is not, as forgettable as Covenant. But since I have the figure from that it's only fair I have these too.
NECA - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Kevin Eastman (1990 Movie)
Is this actually from the movie or just a "what if" gag? I haven't been able to find if this was actually a cameo and am too lazy to just put the movie on... but it at least "feels" legit. Of course the lack of Laird is super conspicuous... but I've always gotten the sense of "drama" there, plus NECA's close with Eastman these days so make sense they'd do this, especially as a Con exclusive - which it was for NYCC 2024. The figure appears to be 100% new sculpt and it's pretty nice. The plaid paint for the undershirt is impressive. The rest of the paint is fine but sadly mine is missing spots of paint in the deep parts of the the hair sculpt. He comes with a clipboard and a bunch of gray pens/pencils (likely since they're easily lose-able) both of which he can hold surprisingly well! We also get a full garbage bag, which feels to be a vinyl bag containing a cardboard base and cotton-ball filling that renders it very realistic (to the point I'd been wondering if it was fully sculpted)! It was lamentable there are no alternate hands (so much for the "Ultimate" labeling on the box art) but maybe I can grab some from other NECA figures to better hold the bag.
NECA - Universal Movie Monsters: Glow-in-the-Dark The Invisible Man
Another NYCC 2024 exclusive, which thankfully NECA put up on their website for those of us who couldn't go. Is this figure worth $30? Of course not. BUT it is an alternate suit color for the Invisible Man, so I will happily be swapping out the GitD hands and head with some of the alternate parts from the main release to have more on display and with a neat sense of subtle variation on ye olde shelf.
Super7 - Godzilla ReAction: Skeleton Godzilla
When they revealed this sculptI immediately fell in love! But was broke when it released and missed out... so I am thrilled they have rereleased it - AND in bone color and $5 cheaper (though who are we kidding, $20 it's pretty outrageous for a 5-POA 3.75 figure) - plus it still includes the anti-oxygen bomb accessory! This is basically the definition of what I want from over-merchandised licenses these days - something no one else has done to that's kind of nutty but logical and super fun! I dig this so much I kind of want to collect more from the line (but alas it's just too cost prohibitive for me). I also want to shout-out the card art & design, which I liked so much I didn't fully remove the blister in case I want to display this figure carded.
Skeleton Godzilla is the perfect example of a toy I would pick up if 1) it were in a store, and B) didn't cost more than twice what it should. I remember when NECA wanted to do one and Toho wouldn't let them...
Super7 makes very nice figures that mostly seem to exist to remind us how bad prices could be from other manufacturers. The blind box stuff is especially egregious, more than double what other companies do with the same licenses.
Jack O' Lantern's eyes are light-piped? They don't look it.
Kevin Eastman is supposedly based on a deleted scene.