Go back to the future with the OAFEnet Email Update.
It's February, which means just one thing at OAFEnet: Old Toys Month. While everyone else is falling all over themselves to get the newest news from Toy Fair, we're heading the opposite direction and pulling out some golden oldies to review. We're like 28 days of your own personal Wayback Machine.
- In keeping with that monthly mission statement, our Joe Friday review was a real oddball. An ancient oddball with no accessories. What a winner!
- You can't get much older than this week's Star Wars Saturday, unless they start making THX1138 or American Graffiti figures. If you want a terrible enemy for your heroes to fight, you could do a lot worse than this.
- Monday's new review was an old Marvel figure that still manages to somehow deliver almost Marvel Legends quality. And since it's a character that will probably never be a Marvel Legend, might as well find out if he's worth hunting down.
- For Transformers Tuesday, we kind of stretched the definition of not only "old," but also "Transformers." We were pretty much right on-target with "Tuesday," though, so that has to count for something.
- Since we're at the beginning of a new month, it's time for our reliable old feature, Flippin' Through Previews.
- Our next review is a new figure, but it's a character that was created in the 1940s. Being nearly 70 years old definitely qualifies as an "old toy," no matter when it showed up in stores.
- Artemis finished off the week with a figure that most people scrambled to find, but has now begun showing up unexpectedly, well after the fact. Learn the various ins and outs, pluses and minuses, and various other errata.