OAFEnet Email Update for Thursday, January 8

This will hurt us more than it hurts you: it's the OAFEnet Email Update!

Often we open the OEU with a chatty paragraph, but not today. This particular week, we're all busy and running short of time, so there will be no lengthy introduction. Yes, that paragraph is a big part of what gives this email its own particular charm, and you know how much you love it, but this time we're just going to dive right into the reviews. None of the OAFEs had the time to write anything this week, and at this time of year, you probably don't have the time to read it. So if we were to put a big intro here, why, it would just go to waste! And that, reader, is why you won't find a big block of text at the top of the OEU this week, so don't look for one.

  • The subject of our first review drew a lot of attention, not too long ago, for her foul mouth. Well, not hers, necessarily. Or even a mouth at all. It was internal monologue, mostly, and showed the danger of not being black enough
  • If snakes are cold-blooded, that means they prefer warm climates, right? Then what is this one doing out in the snow? That's the question answered by this week's Joe Friday.
  • We tried something unusual for our regular Star Wars review this week. First, yo reviewed one of the comic packs, which of course featured two different characters.
  • Then, Monkey Boy reviewed one of those same characters, but did it in an entirely different way. How weird is that!
  • No points for guessing what this week's Marvel Monday would feature - we've only been building up to it for a month! But hey, at least we threw in a bit of artistic oddball trivia to keep you entertained and twist your mind.
  • This review delivers on its promise. What is its promise? A woman's bare breasts. Let's see how many people reading the Update at work or school can't get this link past the firewalls.
  • Transformers Tuesday is, in all truth, another topless female. Thematic parallels abound!
  • Wednesday's review is a mashup of two popular characters. Is their forced coupling more peanut butter and chocolate, or more whiskey and cornflakes? You can only find out here.
  • To draw the week to a close, Artemis has taken a step into the past, trying to recapture some of OAFE's early glory.
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