The OAFEnet Email Update will take on all comers!
- Let's do something different, this week. We'll start with something other than a GI Joe review. How about a surfing robot?
- That's not to say that we skipped Joe Friday. On the contrary, it's a figure who's too popular to find right now.
- Saturday's Star Wars review was not who it appeared to be.
- yo got kind of dopey and nostalgic over the weekend, posting a weird tribute to one of his favorite stores.
- When your series has one major foe, we call that The Big Bad. When the Big Bad has a lieutenant who does a lot of his dirty work, that guy is called The Dragon. This review? He may look like the Big Bad, but he's totally the Dragon.
- This week's Marvel Monday is super shiny, but still kind of a loser.
- Since Memorial Day was this week, comics come out on Thursday, instead of Wednesday. That means if you're reading this first thing in the morning, there's still time to find out what's due this week.
- Remember a few weeks ago when we said we had to scramble to come up with new Transformers Tuesday reviews? This one was one of the extras cranked out in a hurry.
- Will Rogers who never met a man he didn't like. Artemis has that same thing going on with women. Or at least, female action figures. Though judging by this one, it may be time to get more picky.
- What do you like better, the comicbook version of a character, or the cartoon version? yo made his feelings clear this Wednesday.
- And to close out the week, here's an old familiar face with a new set of wheels. Figuratively. There are no real wheels.