If you cannot afford the OAFEnet Email Update, one will be provided for you.
Honestly, we can't think of anything clever to say to introduce the OEU this week. So here, have some reviews.
- Do you like plain cannon fodder troopers, or their more exotic counterparts? This Joe Friday falls into the latter category, and may be the best baddy in the line.
- Poe reviewed a totally awful figure because he had a personal connection. So obviously, your mileage may vary.
- The beginning of a new month means the new Previews catalog, and all the great stuff inside!
- Sunday's new review was a huge movie figure. Not a figure from a huge movie, but a huge figure from a movie. Though technically the movie's pretty big, as well.
- Because it was so popular last month, MotU Monday is sticking around for a while. This week's could give Batman a run for his chiropteran money.
- For your weekly Marvel fix, though, you only have to look to Transformers Tuesday; we just shifted things over a day.
- Rustin finished up the DC reviews, with the biggest Green Lantern you're ever likely to see (because they're never going to make a Mogo toy).
- And because you can never get too much of a good thing, we had more DC goodness for you to close out the week.
We didn't have anything clever to say to open the email. We also don't have anything clever to say to close it. So we'll see you next week, hopefully with something smart entertain you.