If as many people wanted the OAFEnet Email Update as want affordable healthcare, our website wouldn't work, either.
- With both a werewolf and a zombie in this review, it's a surprise we didn't hold it off until Wednesday.
- The image for this review on our front page was misleading, yet somehow accurate.
- Look, it's a terrifying invader from another dimension.
- An insane girl in a bloody outfit.
- Don't let Marvel Monday cross your path, or you're in for some bad luck.
- We went old school for this classic monster.
- And here's a ghost that's even older.
- It's a good thing we reviewed a werewolf on Friday, because we sure didn't do it on Werewolf Wednesday.
- This is how the week ends: not with a bang, but with a dribble.
As you expect, we've got two free reviews on the blog, plus Rustin's Spoils. But there's also some unknown toy history and a whole line of famous faces for you to look at. It's fun!