SDCC 2015 - Diamond Select Toys Round-up

Once more DST gets the unenviable task of a Sunday panel - not only the last day of the show, but two hours before the end of it as well.

Sunday, July 12, 3:00pm, Room 24ABC. The panel consisted of:
Zach Oat, Marketing Supervisor for DST
Jason Wires, Prototype Painter
Chuck Terciera, President of DST
Adam Van Wickler, GG Director of Creative Services (Product Manager for GG's for-hire work)

Attendance was expectedly sparce, but maybe that was more pronounced by DST getting its largest room yet for one of its panels - ah, to be the only toy company with a Sunday panel...! Sadly, reveals were at a minimum. Some interesting/exciting stuff was name dropped in a couple places (Muppets Select!?) but not shown, so as a result the presentation seemed to be a gentle stroll through things already solicited for sale or already revealed at the booth several days before (in some cases they didn't even show items revealed at the booth). Still though, there is some exciting stuff these guys are working on (Ghostbusters and its huge build-a-base!!!) so it was great to get a bit more info on those!

(In an effort to get all this info to you as timely as possibly I present my notes to you here is rough form, please bear with the brevity)

Minimates - coming to Direct market and TRU, TRU will have an exclusive set
Muppet select - 7" scale so they'll come in 2-packs rather than with bases

Marvel Resin
DST is doing Marvel statues again
First is Wolverine, later Gamora - all sculpted by Clayburn Moore

Series 2 is probably Peter, Dana, egon
Terror Dog is so big it will probably be sold without a base
Rooftop base (Gozer Temple) in 19" deep and 24" wide, temple while be forced perspective and shorter than in the film in order to make it do-able
Temple Doorway is cardboard with closed doors on one side and lenticular Gozer dimension on the other
4 series of 3 figures to complete the base
14-15 figures in active development
They want to do an Ecto-1 but it requires at least 3 separate licenses, but they are pursuing it

Select figures will have TRU release, same figures but without street bases
They were planning on and making a Fish Mooney figure for series 1 until the actress announced she wasn't coming back so they scrapped the figure
Young Bruce will likely be next up unless they start doing really cool villains that DST would want to get to first
Chuck requested the standard 16 points of articulation, but Adam is an articulation junkie and sneaked in a lot more, 28+ points depending on hoe you count (ie is a ballpoint 1 or 2, so it could be low 30s)

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