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Tag Archives: SDCC 2015
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #207
Well, it's the common-calendar year of Two-Thousand and Eighteen, and this week is the annual nexus of pop culture what is San Diego Comic-Con International, more colloquially known by the abbreviant: SDCC!!! To celebrate, lets take a jump back to … Continue reading
Posted in Rustin's Spoils of the Week, SDCC
Tagged Alien, Avengers, Batman, Black Widow, Captain America, GitD, Godzilla, Gremlins, Hawkeye, Marvel Legends, Minimates, OMFG, Pacific Rim, Pulp Fiction, ReAction, Reel Toys, SDCC 2015, Skeleton Warriors, Star Trek, Superman, Thor, X-Men
Minimate Mini-Review #253 - TMNT Black & White box set exclusive
#253 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Black & White Box Set Originally a young boy's pets, four turtles were lost in the sewers when a canister of glowing ooze smashed their terrarium. The four ooze-covered turtles were rescued by a … Continue reading
Marvel Legends Book of the Vishanti exclusive addendum
In today's review of the Book of the Vishanti, we said that the inside of the book had spells and drawings of the characters. Here they are! May the light of the Vishanti shine upon Dr. Strange... and may the … Continue reading
Posted in addendums, Hasbro, SDCC
Tagged Dr. Strange, Marvel Legends, SDCC 2015, Thor, X-Men
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Soon Forget: Marvel Legends Sauron
This is the latest in a series (of indefinite length and regularity) of blog posts memorializing cancelled toys. Our figure today is Hasbro's Sauron. Sauron was shown a few weeks ago in the Marvel Legends display case at SDCC, and … Continue reading
Posted in cancelled toys, Hasbro, Marvel, SDCC
Tagged Marvel Legends, SDCC 2015, Spider-Man, X-Men
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Soon Forget: Zombie Hulk Hogan
This is the latest in a series (of indefinite length and regularity) of blog posts memorializing cancelled toys. Our figure today is Mattel's Zombie Hulk Hogan. Revealed a few weeks ago at SDCC, Hogan wasn't definitely scheduled for release: showing … Continue reading
SDCC 2015 - Day 5 (Sunday)
Woke up groggily after my late night and hastily packed up my belongings, checked out, and caught the shuttle bus back over to the convention center. It was my first time aboard the shuttle and, aside from being full since … Continue reading
SDCC 2015 - Diamond Select Toys Round-up
Once more DST gets the unenviable task of a Sunday panel - not only the last day of the show, but two hours before the end of it as well. And now, some more OAFEry:SDCC 2015 - Mattel Collector: Mattypalooza! … Continue reading
SDCC 2015 - Day 4 (Saturday)
Saturday ended up being nutty. I had planned on waiting in line Friday night to get into Hall H for Saturday but decided against it after the horror story related to me by my friend who waited Thursday for a … Continue reading
SDCC 2015 - Minimates Mini-Figures: From Ant-Man to Zombies
The annual Minimates panel rolls back around with some fun pictures and a surprisingly engaged Q&A (though not much "news" came from it) but not a whole lot of product reveals, alas. Still, it's always fun to spend some time … Continue reading
SDCC 2015 - Hasbro Marvel
Over the last year I've gotten back into Marvel Legends in a big way so this was one of my more anticipated panels for Comic Con 2015, and fortunately it didn't disappoint!