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Tag Archives: Pacific Rim
Pacific Rim Uprising: Scrapper review
Today's review of November Ajax mentioned that Tamashii Nations did one better than Diamond Select by releasing a version of Scrapper, the tiny Jaegerling Ajax tussled with (though weirdly, it came with their version of Titan Redeemer, not Ajax). Anyway, … Continue reading
Pacific Rim Uprising: Titan Redeemer addendum
As mentioned in today's review, here's Titan Redeemer's early, wilder concept art: And now, some more OAFEry:Flippin' through Previews - October '14 Flippin' through Previews - January '15 Rustin's Spoils of the Week #102 Otachi addendum Bert Macklin: Dinosaur Hunter
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #207
Well, it's the common-calendar year of Two-Thousand and Eighteen, and this week is the annual nexus of pop culture what is San Diego Comic-Con International, more colloquially known by the abbreviant: SDCC!!! To celebrate, lets take a jump back to … Continue reading
Posted in Rustin's Spoils of the Week, SDCC
Tagged Alien, Avengers, Batman, Black Widow, Captain America, GitD, Godzilla, Gremlins, Hawkeye, Marvel Legends, Minimates, OMFG, Pacific Rim, Pulp Fiction, ReAction, Reel Toys, SDCC 2015, Skeleton Warriors, Star Trek, Superman, Thor, X-Men
Flippin' through Previews - June '16
It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in August. And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #143 Supervillain primary debate … Continue reading
Posted in Previews
Tagged Batman, Captain America, Dr. Strange, Friday the 13th, Green Lantern, Iron Man, Marvel Legends, Marvel Select, Minimates, Pacific Rim, Predator, Rocky, Superman, View Askew, Voltron
Flippin' through Previews - February '16
It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in April. And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #63 Minimate Mini-Review #330 … Continue reading
Posted in Previews
Tagged Alien, Assassin's Creed, Back to the Future, Batman, Captain America, Green Lantern, Halo, Marvel Legends, Marvel Universe, Minimates, MotU, Pacific Rim, Player Select, Predator, Superman, Terminator, Thundercats, TMNT, Transformers
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Soon Forget: Battle at the Docks Gipsy Danger
This is the latest in a series (of indefinite length and regularity) of blog posts memorializing cancelled toys. Our figure today is NECA's Pacific Rim "Battle at the Docks" Gipsy Danger. The figure was first seen as a cross-sell on … Continue reading
Flippin' through Previews - August '15
It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in October. And now, some more OAFEry:Transformers BotBots Crabby Grabby review Minimates: Spider-Man/Urban Fire Chief … Continue reading
Posted in Previews
Tagged Alien, Aquaman, Avengers, Batman, Cthulhu, Halo, Pacific Rim, Predator, ReAction, Spider-Man, Star Wars, Superman, TMNT, Transformers, zombies
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Rustin's Spoils of the Week #168
Okay, here's another batch of stuff I got recently mixed with stuff I've been sitting out on for months. Some of this comes from great deals online or burning through Toys R Us Rewards points, and some just form simple … Continue reading
Posted in DC, DC Direct, Hasbro, Mattel, NECA, Playmobil, Rustin's Spoils of the Week
Tagged Batman, Jurassic Park, Pacific Rim, Planet of the Apes, Predator, Rambo, Rocky, Star Wars
Rustin's Spoils of the Week # 167
San Diego Comic Con 2015 was just a couple weeks back so I should be writing up that haulage but I got so much stuff I really need some more time to sift through it all which makes this is … Continue reading
Posted in DST, Mezco, NECA, Rustin's Spoils of the Week, SDCC
Tagged Batman, Bioshock, Green Lantern, Gremlins, Munsters, Pacific Rim, Robocop, SDCC 2014
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #165
Oh man, I'm so behind on Spoils - some of these things were bought back in February! I've compressed several hauls worth of stuff here just in a vain attempt to catch back up to where I'm at now (and … Continue reading
Posted in DST, Funko, Hasbro, Lego, NECA, Playmates, Rustin's Spoils of the Week
Tagged Avengers, Imaginext, Iron Man, Minimates, Pacific Rim, Predator, Rambo, ReAction, Sin City, Spongebob, Star Wars, Terminator, TMNT, Tomb Raider, Wolverine, X-Men, zombies