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Tag Archives: Friday the 13th
Happy Mother's Day, Pamela
It's always good to take mom out for her special day. (via) And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #163
The Slashstreet Boys
Ghostface, Jason, Freddy, and now Leatherface; as soon as NECA's Michael Myers hits stores, you'll be able to re-create this video: (That's not their first single, by the way.) And now, some more OAFEry:Flippin' through Previews - July '14 Rustin's … Continue reading
Posted in addendums, NECA, videos
Tagged Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream, Texas Chainsaw Massacre
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Rustin's Spoils of the Week #212
Okay kiddos - let's bounce away from all the catch-ups and talk about my actual spoils from last actual week! And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #109 Flippin' Through Previews - October '09 Soon Forget: ToyBiz "Fat … Continue reading
Horror Classics Mystery Minis - Freddy vs. Jason reviews
Here come the '80s! And now, some more OAFEry:Walking Dead Mystery Minis: One-Eyed Zombie review Godzilla Mystery Minis - Destoroyah review Horror Classics Mystery Minis - Pennywise Stranger Things Mystery Minis - Eleven review Ad Icons Mystery Minis - Mr. … Continue reading
Posted in blog exclusive review, Funko
Tagged Friday the 13th, Mystery Minis, Nightmare on Elm Street
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #185
Minimapocalypse... Legomageddon... and the doom what is NECAttack! We ventured once before beyond the veil of National Entertainment Collectibles America had to offer in the way of action figure-y goodness, so join me once more for a return to it … Continue reading
Posted in Rustin's Spoils of the Week
Tagged Alien, Batman, Friday the 13th, Godzilla, Predator, Superman, Terminator, Texas Chainsaw Massacre
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Flippin' through Previews - June '16
It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in August. And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #171, Part 2 Rustin's … Continue reading
Posted in Previews
Tagged Batman, Captain America, Dr. Strange, Friday the 13th, Green Lantern, Iron Man, Marvel Legends, Marvel Select, Minimates, Pacific Rim, Predator, Rocky, Superman, View Askew, Voltron
Flippin' through Previews - December '15
It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in February. And now, some more OAFEry:Arkham Asylum Joker addendum Minimate Mini-Review #257 - Det. … Continue reading
Posted in Previews
Tagged Back to the Future, Batman, Doctor Who, Friday the 13th, Gothitropolis, Gremlins, Minimates, Muppets, TMNT, X-Files
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Flippin' through Previews - September '15
It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in November. And now, some more OAFEry:Transformers BotBots Driver Ted review Soon Forget: Total Justice … Continue reading
Posted in Previews
Tagged Alien, Batman, Flash, Friday the 13th, Green Arrow, Mortal Kombat, Transformers
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