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Tag Archives: Evil Dead
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #212
Okay kiddos - let's bounce away from all the catch-ups and talk about my actual spoils from last actual week! And now, some more OAFEry:Baby Yoda fights fires Walgreens Marvel Legends release order Rustin's Spoils of the Week #15 Yousa … Continue reading
Flippin' through Previews - April '16
It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in June. And now, some more OAFEry:Marvel Legends addendum: dat body! The Mattel Big Lots … Continue reading
Posted in Previews
Tagged Evil Dead, Ghostbusters, Minimates, Nightmare Before Christmas, Player Select, Predator, Terminator, X-Men, zombies
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ATFC '16 - Day 2: NECA
And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #184 Flippin' through Previews - June '15 Rustin's Spoils of the Week #210 Batroc the Leaper addendum Flippin' Through Previews - April '11
Posted in NECA, Toy Fair
Tagged Alien, Batman, Evil Dead, Predator, Reel Toys, Toy Fair 2016
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Rustin's Spoils of the Week #163
Funko has spent many years cultivating a niche "novelty" avenue before stumbling upon the shocking goldmine that is the Pop! aestethic/line and then they took all that Pop! and suddenly went all-in for action figures last year, launching both the … Continue reading
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #69
After a much prolonged hiatus of Comic-Con attending, recuperating and working our dear and beloved Spoils returns with a mighty onslaught Con exclusive toys. Now, I will note this is not every exclusive I bought. What's excluded, though, is being … Continue reading
Posted in Art Asylum, Bandai, Bif Bang Pow, Hasbro, Mattel, Mezco, NECA, Rustin's Spoils of the Week
Tagged Assassin's Creed, Avengers, Batman, Battle Beasts, Doctor Who, Evil Dead, GitD, Godzilla, LotR, Marvel Universe, Minimates, OMFG, Player Select, Thundercats, X-Men
Flippin' through Previews - June '12
It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in August. And now, some more OAFEry:You don't know the power of the Grayskull Soon … Continue reading
Posted in Previews
Tagged Batman, Evil Dead, GI Joe, Gremlins, Halo, Marvel Select, Marvel Universe, Mez-Itz, MotU, Rocky
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Rustin's Spoils of the Week #56
Oh man... so much travel, so little time. I apologize my little chickadees for the delays but I offer unto thee this hearty catch-up Spoils with picks from over the last month. Enjoy, and enjoy so safely and without regret. … Continue reading
Posted in Bandai, Hasbro, Lego, Mattel, NECA, Rustin's Spoils of the Week, TRU
Tagged Avengers, Captain America, Evil Dead, Ghostbusters, GI Joe, Hulk, Iron Man, Rocky, Spider-Man, Thor, Thundercats
Garbage Pail Kids fan art
Garbage Pail Kids were big business in the '80s - everybody seemed to have a collection, and we traded them the way kids used to trade baseball cards. And because they were such a big part of our childhoods, that … Continue reading
Posted in random
Tagged Evil Dead, Garbage Pail Kids, Ghostbusters, Gremlins, MotU, Star Wars, Transformers, Voltron
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Flippin' through Previews - February '12
It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in April. And now, some more OAFEry:Transformers BotBots Ollie Bite & Pixelfin reviews "Secret Wars" … Continue reading
Posted in Previews
Tagged Ame-Comi, Avengers, Batman, Deadpool, Evil Dead, GI Joe, Justice League, Marvel Select, Mez-Itz, Minimates, Spider-Man, Star Wars, Transformers
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SDCC 2011 - Preview Night
Comic-Con (you know which one) kicked off tonight in a blaze of ... stuff And now, some more OAFEry:Batman (1989 Video Game Appearance) review Minimate Mini-Review #92 - Lt. Colonel James Rhodes & Air Assault Drone Transformers vs. the Justice … Continue reading →