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Tag Archives: Game of Thrones
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #210
I promise I'll get back to contemporary/immediate Spoils soon, but yet again my hopes for being current have failed me. So, we'll dig in a lovely potpourri from last year (which I imagine might also be a nice break from … Continue reading
Posted in Rustin's Spoils of the Week
Tagged Avengers, Batman, Captain America, castle, Cthulhu, Game of Thrones, Hot Wheels, Hulk, Iron Man, Pirates, Power Rangers, Predator, ReAction, Rocky Horror, Spider-Man, Star Trek, Terminator, Universal Monsters, zombies
Coming soon: Funko Fridays!
Now that we've reviewed all the Vitruvian HACKS figures and there is still no GI Joe product on shelves to go back to, we need a new theme for our Friday reviews. And given the appeal of the alliteration, Funko … Continue reading
Posted in announcements, Funko
Tagged Cracked, Game of Thrones, GI Joe, Pop!, Vitruvian HACKS
Toys vs. Toys in an epic stop-motion showdown
And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #201 ATFC '13 - Day 2: Playmates Eternia Minis: Ninjor exclusive review ATFC '12 - Day 2: Playmates Havok Superblack
Posted in videos
Tagged Alien, Doctor Who, Dragon Ball Z, Game of Thrones, Guardians of the Galaxy, Gumby, Mario, Matrix, MotU, Nintendo, Power Rangers, Predator, Sailor Moon, Skeletor, Star Trek, Star Wars, Terminator, TMNT, Wonder Woman, wrestling, X-Men
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ATFC '16 - Day 2: Funko
Game of Thrones is getting the ReAction treatment, but probably won't see an actual release of that Wall display base. Somebody tell Rustin! There are licensed Playmobil figures on the way: And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week … Continue reading
Posted in Funko, Playmobil, Toy Fair
Tagged Back to the Future, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, ReAction, TMNT, Toy Fair 2016
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Rustin's Spoils of the Week #166
Well! Well, well, well! Better late than never, they so, and so say we here at OAFE. SDCC 2015 may have just wrapped up last week but I've yet to review all the exclusives I got at SDCC 2014! So... … Continue reading
Posted in Bif Bang Pow, DST, Funko, Hasbro, Mattel, NECA, Playmates, Rustin's Spoils of the Week, SDCC
Tagged Alien, Archer, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, GitD, Marvel Legends, Marvel Universe, Minimates, MotU, Nightmare Before Christmas, Nightmare on Elm Street, Predator, Rocketeer, SDCC 2014, Star Wars, TMNT, Twilight Zone, Venture Brothers, Wolverine, X-Men
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #163
Funko has spent many years cultivating a niche "novelty" avenue before stumbling upon the shocking goldmine that is the Pop! aestethic/line and then they took all that Pop! and suddenly went all-in for action figures last year, launching both the … Continue reading
I seem to recognize your face - Charles Dance
This is the latest in a series (of indefinite length and regularity) of pieces pointing out odd action figures of unlikely actors. People known more as character actors than action stars, and thus unlikely candidates for plastic representation. Our honoree … Continue reading
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #146
SDCC has been a bit of a mixed bag for shopping the last couple of years, but Comic-Con 2014 turned out to be remarkably fortuitous for me. I think that's mainly because I had held off on certain lines or … Continue reading
Posted in DST, Funko, Hasbro, Marvel, Rustin's Spoils of the Week, SDCC
Tagged dragons, Fantastic Four, Game of Thrones, Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man, Minimates, SDCC 2014, zombies
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #143
Aaaand we're back. Between Comic-on and work life has been hectic so I thank you, and you, and you as well, dear Readers, for your patience. In effort to rush us towards my ever epic SDCC haulage I'll go ahead … Continue reading
Posted in DC, DST, Funko, Hasbro, Mattel, NECA, Rustin's Spoils of the Week
Tagged Fantastic Four, Game of Thrones, GI Joe, Green Lantern, Guardians of the Galaxy, Imaginext, Minimates, Planet of the Apes, Predator, Star Wars, Valve
Jon Snow addendum
Remember when we posted this picture of Twilight author Stephanie Meyer? Well today we reviewed Jon Snow, so it seems like a good time to point out that Stephie's not the only author with a self-insert character. And now, some … Continue reading