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Tag Archives: Rocky
It's astounding
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Miss Michael 💗🦄🧜🏻♀️🧟♀️🌈 (@diaryofadorkette) And now, some more OAFEry:MOTU He-Man addendum Minimate Mini-Review #117 - Betsy Braddock & Nightcrawler Bob Gale thinks Mattel's hoverboard sucks Flippin' through Previews - July '16 … Continue reading
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #181
Sometimes you find some stuff you're looking for (Dooooooolph!!!) and sometimes you find some stuff you're hoping for (novelty Hot Wheels!) and sometimes you find some stuff you never imagined would exist... (Looking at you, Cat'o'Clock) But not matter what, … Continue reading
Posted in Rustin's Spoils of the Week
Tagged Hot Wheels, Power Rangers, Rocky, Star Wars, TMNT, X-Men
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Flippin' through Previews - June '16
It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in August. And now, some more OAFEry:"Thor: Ragnarok" Movie Series: Grandmaster & Korg reviews Rustin's … Continue reading
Posted in Previews
Tagged Batman, Captain America, Dr. Strange, Friday the 13th, Green Lantern, Iron Man, Marvel Legends, Marvel Select, Minimates, Pacific Rim, Predator, Rocky, Superman, View Askew, Voltron
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #168
Okay, here's another batch of stuff I got recently mixed with stuff I've been sitting out on for months. Some of this comes from great deals online or burning through Toys R Us Rewards points, and some just form simple … Continue reading
Posted in DC, DC Direct, Hasbro, Mattel, NECA, Playmobil, Rustin's Spoils of the Week
Tagged Batman, Jurassic Park, Pacific Rim, Planet of the Apes, Predator, Rambo, Rocky, Star Wars
Flippin' through Previews - August '14
It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in October. And now, some more OAFEry:Lego Batman Minifigures: King Tut review Rustin's Spoils of … Continue reading
Posted in Previews
Tagged Aquaman, Assassin's Creed, Batman, Green Arrow, Minimates, Robotech, Rocky, Simpsons, Sin City, zombies
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That time that "Yo Adrian" almost met "Yo Joe!"
As mentioned in today's review of Big Boa, Hasbro almost made Rocky Balboa the second "real life" character to join the GI Joe team, but the deal fell through when Coleco got Stallone's likeness for their Rambo toyline. And you … Continue reading
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #83
All right readers, allow me to level with you. For the past two or three months I've fallen victim to the same disenfranchisement as many other "Online Toy Personalities" have suffered during 2012. Who would want to write and photograph … Continue reading
Posted in DST, Hasbro, Marvel, Mattel, McFarlane, NECA, Palisades, Playmobil, Rustin's Spoils of the Week, Target, TRU
Tagged Captain America, Ghostbusters, Halo, Marvel Legends, Mr. T, Predator, Rocky, Star Wars, X-Men, zombies
Flippin' through Previews - October '12
It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in December. And now, some more OAFEry:Flippin' through Previews - April '13 Flippin' Through Previews … Continue reading
Posted in Previews
Tagged Ame-Comi, Batman, Justice League, Minimates, MLP, MotU, Predator, Robocop, Rocky, Star Trek, Superman, Terminator
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Flippin' through Previews - June '12
It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in August. And now, some more OAFEry:Watch the Masters of the Universe movie for free … Continue reading
Posted in Previews
Tagged Batman, Evil Dead, GI Joe, Gremlins, Halo, Marvel Select, Marvel Universe, Mez-Itz, MotU, Rocky
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Rustin's Spoils of the Week #56
Oh man... so much travel, so little time. I apologize my little chickadees for the delays but I offer unto thee this hearty catch-up Spoils with picks from over the last month. Enjoy, and enjoy so safely and without regret. … Continue reading
Posted in Bandai, Hasbro, Lego, Mattel, NECA, Rustin's Spoils of the Week, TRU
Tagged Avengers, Captain America, Evil Dead, Ghostbusters, GI Joe, Hulk, Iron Man, Rocky, Spider-Man, Thor, Thundercats