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Tag Archives: Gothitropolis
Soon Forget: Gothitropolis Vampire Queen
This is the latest in a series (of indefinite length and regularity) of blog posts memorializing cancelled toys. Our figure today is the Four Horsemen's Vampire Queen. The Vampire Queen would have been part of the Gothitropolis line, and was … Continue reading
The factions of Mythoss
As you were reading the Mythic Legions story, you may have noticed a lot of names being thrown about. And if you look at the side of the packaging, you'll find images that seem to sort all the characters into … Continue reading
Flippin' through Previews - December '15
It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in February. And now, some more OAFEry:Flippin' through Previews - August '14 Rustin's Spoils of … Continue reading
Posted in Previews
Tagged Back to the Future, Batman, Doctor Who, Friday the 13th, Gothitropolis, Gremlins, Minimates, Muppets, TMNT, X-Files
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Four Horsemen display base review
We've now reviewed all 13 Gothitropolis Ravens (even though only two of them were actually ravens), and showed you their wings in all six colors. We've discussed the optional Battle Pack, with its helmet and sword and alternate head. We've … Continue reading
Gothitropolis: Flamingus FANtastic Exclusive review
For all the technical details on the sculpt (absolutely no complaints) and the articulation (there's plenty of it, but it might require some boiling/freezing to get moving), please visit our Decimus Hrabban review - this review is just about the … Continue reading
Posted in blog exclusive review, FANtastic Exclusive
Tagged Gothitropolis, Seventh Kingdom
Gothitropolis: bone wings FANtastic Exclusive review
One of the final reveals during the Four Horsemen's Gothitropolis Ravens Kickstarter campaign was also one of the coolest. In addition to all the different colored wing sets to match the different birds, there would also be a final, all-new … Continue reading
Gothitropolis: Eagalus FANtastic Exclusive review
For all the technical details on the sculpt (absolutely no complaints) and the articulation (there's plenty of it, but it might require some boiling/freezing to get moving), please visit our Decimus Hrabban review - this review is just about the … Continue reading
Gothitropolis: Cockitrus FANtastic Exclusive review
For all the technical details on the sculpt (absolutely no complaints) and the articulation (there's plenty of it, but it might require some boiling/freezing to get moving), please visit our Decimus Hrabban review - this review is just about the … Continue reading
Gothitropolis: Atheneus FANtastic Exclusive review
For all the technical details on the sculpt (absolutely no complaints) and the articulation (there's plenty of it, but it might require some boiling/freezing to get moving), please visit our Decimus Hrabban review - this review is just about the … Continue reading
Gothitropolis: Phoenius FANtastic Exclusive review
For all the technical details on the sculpt (absolutely no complaints) and the articulation (there's plenty of it, but it might require some boiling/freezing to get moving), please visit our Decimus Hrabban review - this review is just about the … Continue reading