TMNT 35th Anniversary addendum

Remember the Middle-Age Mutant Dayjob Tortoises? Well, time marches on, it seems, because now we've got the GMNT - Geriatric Mutant Ninja Turtles:

Moving on, at the end of today's TMNT 35th Anniversary Set, yo compared the reprint comic to the work of Frank Miller. Well, more accurately, to the work of Alan Moore delivering a Mad Magazine-style send-up of Frank Miller. In Marvel UK's Daredevils #8, Moore and artist Mike Collins presented "Grit," a story of Dourdevil, the Man Without a Sense of Humour:

If you've read the classic Miller run on Daredevil, you'll recognize the overbearing narration and even the art style. It's uncanny! They really went all-out on this spoof.

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