So remember last month, when we learned about the Star Wars/TMNT crossover that almost happened? Well one side, Skywalker, because there's another beloved '80s property that tried to commingle with the Heroes in a Half-Shell: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe!
Artist Freddie Williams II, who did the art for the various Batman/TMNT comics, just broke the news that IDW and DC were working on a He-Man crossover. The book was delayed twice, then fully cancelled over a year ago. And this is the first we've ever heard of it!

There's art of the characters hanging out in interesting and yet thematically appropriate combos:
- Evil-Lyn/Shredder
- Beast-Man/Mutants
- Orko/Mikey
- Teela/Raphael
- Man-At-Arms/Donatello
- Sorceress/Splinter
- Roboto/Metalhead
And it looks like it would have been a lot like the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic, with the Turtles taking on the roles and appearances of the He-Man characters:
- He-Max Leonardo
- Ram-Man Michaelangelo
- Teela Raphael
- Man-At-Arms Donatello
- Ninja Prince Adam
- Shreddator
They'd even gotten to the point of designing some covers; one an homage to the first meeting of the X-Men and the New Teen Titans, the other a two-parter (suggesting this was going to be a very mini series.
We don't know why the book was cancelled, but how cool would it have been to get toys based on this concept?
Ya know there actually is a series of this now.
Has a really awesome and BUFF Splinter.
Hopefully you guys will do some reviews of the series