Officially sanctioned white or black paint will be an additional $5 per bottle

a meme showing what would happen if Games Workshop, the company behind Warhammer, had instead created chess.

4 Pawns - $45
Rook/Knight/Bishop multikit - $35
King/Queen multikit - $35
Rule Book ("Complete Book of Beginning Chhess", currently six dollars on Amazon) - $45
Datacards (diagrams of how the pieces move) - $25
Movement Tool (a ruler) - $18
Start Collecting Box (normal, basic chess set available at any toy store) - $299
Terrain (a needlessly fancy raised board with faux stone columns around all the side) - $90

screenshot of an episode of Columbo, where Columbo and the suspect he's bothering have been photoshopped to be standing in front of a game store's Warhammer display wall. Columbo is casually saying "Boy, a hella could go broke with a hobby like this."

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One Response to Officially sanctioned white or black paint will be an additional $5 per bottle

  1. Pharmadan says:

    And this is why folks are leaving it for Battletech

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