DC Shining Knight addendum

It's clear Paul Cornell had long-term plans for Demon Knights that never got to go forward. Even their team name is a clue: awaking from a vision with Merlin, Ystin brought back the name "Demon Knights," which is what the group took to calling itself; but that was a linguistic pun, because Merlin was trying to warn them about the Daemonites - you know, the evil aliens DC inherited when it bought Wildstorm. But that's never brought up again before Cornell was taken off the book and the story jumped decades into the future, dropping a good 90% of the storylines in the process.

One plotline that got dropped was the series' main antagonist to that point, the Questing Queen, another character who was interested in the restoration of Camelot. Despite being an adult woman and not an immortal teenager, you didn't have to read very far between the lines to surmise that the story was building to the reveal that the Questing Queen and Sir Ystin were somehow the same person. Unfortunately, we never got to learn more about how. However, you know one feature the Questing Queen was always shown to have? Dark lipstick and angular eyebrows, like the paint on McFarlane's Shining Knight figure. So maybe this toy represents some cancelled future story where the connection was revealed and defined, and we're looking not at Sir Ystin, but at the Questing Queen wearing the Shining Knight's clothes.

Alternately, we can go back to Grant Morrison's Seven Soldiers, where "Sir Justin" was just a girl disgusing herself as a boy. Transported to the modern day and disappointed that she would never again see Camelot, she was heartened to learn that ancient documents spoke of a "Queen Ystina the Good," suggesting she may get back to her own era eventually. In that case, perhaps this figure depicts what she'd look like in her future.

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One Response to DC Shining Knight addendum

  1. Shining Knight isn't properly androgynous because McFarlane recycled most of the body from Target's Flashpoint Wonder Woman:

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