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Tag Archives: Transformers
Transformers Bumblebee: Studio Series Sunstreaker addendum
There's no neat behind-the-scenes design info for Sunstreaker like there was for all the other Cybertronian Bumblebee guest stars, so let's just show you the concept art render that appears on the box, and you can compare the real toy … Continue reading
Whaaaat Iiiii've DONE!
And now, some more OAFEry:Flippin' through Previews - June '13 Transformers: Legends Class Trailcutter review Change-Bots come to Kickstarter A Marxist interpretation of Michael Bay's Transformers Trans-CARS-mers
The other 2% have a head for a hand
And now, some more OAFEry:Transformers Tuesday: Chevrolet Swerve addendum Transformers BotBots Bankshot review Understand your rank Exhaust, sneaking his way into Generation 1 Transformers BotBots Glam Glare Fancy Flare review
Of all the Shockwaves in all the world...
...why pick this one to homage? And now, some more OAFEry:Mega Man vs. Starscream What's up with Transformers movie product BotCon final reveal: Motormaster Transformers BotBots Stinkosaurus Rex & exclusive Bum Sprout reviews Transformers BotBots Fottle Barts & Must Turd … Continue reading
The purpose of a thing is what it does
And now, some more OAFEry:Hasbro doing another Fan-Built Bot ATFC '12 - Day 1: Hasbro Flippin' through Previews - May '13 North Korea releases a new propaganda video A few noteable preorders: Predators, Star Wars, Transformers
Transformers: Tasmania Kid addendum
The original sculpt of Tasmania Kid's altmode: (via) And now, some more OAFEry:Transformers BotBots Atomic Freeze & Slimey Slurps reviews Trans-floor-m and wipe out! Transformers: the all-giant-robot-action edition Transformers Bumblebee: Studio Series Ironhide addendum Transformers: Nitro Zeus addendum
Seeker pride
(via) And now, some more OAFEry:Transformers BotBots Dizzy Bones & Smooth Shaker reviews Transformers BotBots Inky Inkerson & Reci P. Cooker exclusive reviews A Rose By Any Other Name Would Still Be More Than Meets The Eye First Transformers: Prime … Continue reading
Legend of Vox Machina: completing the team
Today's review of Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III brings to an end McFarlane Toys' Legend of Vox Machina line, in a sadly incomplete manner. We've got Percy, we've got Vax and Vex, we've got Kiki... but then … Continue reading
Posted in addendums, lists
Tagged D&D, Fortnite, Overwatch, Player Select, Starscream, Thor, Transformers
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Even on Cybertron, some things are universal
And now, some more OAFEry:Soon Forget: Fossilsaurus This May, give away your Transformers Transformers BotBots Vigitente exclusive review A Valentine's Day Lego creation Transformers Bumblebee: Studio Series Arcee addendum
Introducing Hot Wheels Optimus Prime
Well well well, look at this! A Hot Wheels version of Optimus Prime that can actually change from a truck to a robot! That's pretty awesome! As soon as it shows up on the store pegs, we'll be happy to … Continue reading →