Seven more days, down the tube. Have you spent them well?
For those of you just joining us, last week kicked off with Coruscant Attack Padme Amidala. Not a bad figure, but not one to rush to the stores for, either.
Lego sent out a few press releases that had some good news. Check them out on our message board, the Loafing Lounge, at;act=NW;f=2;t=22
After February's vastly disturbing Figuretoon, we toned things down a bit for "Cereal Killer."
Speaking of Lego (as we were two paragraphs ago), Shocka handed in a review of the Boxor from the Bionicle line, complete with a fun little animation:
Speaking of February's vastly disturbing Figuretoon (boy, you'd think someone would've planned this email better) you may recognize one of the players in Wednesday's new review:
Until next time, keep working on those twist-ties...