It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in August.
DC Direct is making some nice Batman Arkham Asylum toys, based (of course) on the awesome videogame. Check out Bats and his three villains on page 137.
Don't want to pay big money for the Ame-Comi statues? Then you can pay medium money for smaller versions. See the new figures on page 141.
The videogame merchandising continues with two Killzone figs on page 142. Not very colorful, are these guys.
Remember that IDW wheedled their way into the front of the book, finally, so all their Transformers and GI Joe stuff is on pages 148-152.
Jumping way to the back, there's a Minimate Carrying Case on page 370. Will it ever see the light of day, or be indefinitely postponed like so many others? Only time will tell! Show your support and order it now.
Marvel Select is doing a big, mean Juggernaut figure for everyone who missed out on the Marvel Legends version. Get him (or his variant) on page 372.
You know those blind-packed Lego Minifigures everybody is crazy about right now? Get your own case of 60 on page 383, right next to the Lego Advent Calendar.
A new set of Marvel Universe figures is listed on page 384: Ghost Rider, Mystique, Captain Britain, Wrecker, Iron Patriot and others.
Is the Bob Marley figure on page 385 from NECA? Seems like their kind of thing.
The Transformers on page 389 show off at least a few new figures, in both the movie and "Generation" lines. You can also flip to 390 and see new movie toys next to Power Core Combiners.
Well all right! NECA's doing an Assassin's Creed 2 figure. Ezio is listed on page 391.
We usually gloss over the import toys section, but the Fraulein Revoltech Evagelion girls will probably appeal to someone. If that someone is you, they're on page 412.
Metal Gear Solid is getting big, fancy Play Arts Kai toys, which may finally be worth that huge price tag. Judge for yourself on page 413.
The Nightmare Before Christmas Kubricks on page 414 aren't too shabby, either!
And no, this isn't a toy, but if you like nerd rock, check out the Kirby Krackle cds on page 448.