Soon Forget: Wendy's DC Heroes

We've finished posting our reviews of the six Wendy's Kid's Meal DC Heroes sets, but that's not the end of things. Matt Kaufenberg and Joe Allard did a lot of design work before getting to the final approvals.

From Set #2, we almost got a Nightwing with his '90s costume details, or even possibly a cape!

The Catwoman we got was a vintage design, not this more modern take that would have had her whip around her waist - and would have been yet another example of her being black!

On the subject of modern designs, Set 5's Nubia could have gotten a look that wasn't from the '70s:

In Set 6, Aquaman nearly got a Brave and the Bold-style beard:

We already told you how Mera was supposed to have some water swirling around her hand, but here's the proof:

Before settling on the style we got, some others were considered, like this more chibi idea (special bonus glimpse at a character who didn't make the final lineup):

And finally, before deciding on mini figures, Wendy's also considered just doing a "Colorforms"-style sticker set. Here's the art for that pitch:

Check out all the cameos on the Bat-computer!

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